The most important investment you can make for yourself & those you love.

Get ready to feel Confident, Prepared, and SAFE.

The things inside this course, personally saved my life. 

Enroll now →


During most people's lunch break...I was fighting for my life.

It's time TO BE
"prepared, not Scared."

February 27, 2008 started as a normal day for me. I didn't realize that only 4 hours after my morning alarm went off, I would be fighting for my life on a public trail..... during most people's lunch break.

I literally fought for my life. The odds of me surviving that afternoon were slim. Being repeatedly hit, thrown, punched. Then sexually assaulted, choked, and a knife held into my throat. I swore to God that day, I would do everything I could to protect women if he spared me.

 A quick afternoon run, turned into every woman's NIGHTMARE. While I was enjoying a quick run before I had to head into work, I was brutally grabbed from a public walking trail and brutally sexually assaulted, while other people were on the trail!

I never wanted this to happen to my sisters, friends, and nieces. I didn't realize his plan was for me to educate, empower, and save THOUSANDS OF WOMEN through my safety advocacy and education.

After years of traveling around the country to share my message and teach…. I felt frustrated that there was only one of me, and millions of you. How could I save and reach every woman?

My online SAFE course.... That's how. 

What I cover

S.A.F.E. is a go-at-your-own-pace digital course. With over 25 videos, you will be educated on ALL things safety like:

Running/hiking alone
Dating Safety
Internet Safety
Children's Safety
Car Safety
Traveling Safety
Ride Share Safety
Educating children
Combating Anxiety
And so much more

From the comfort of your own home, you will learn:

Get in the mindset of why it is important. Let's talk about the statistics of what is happening and to who.

Most people do not realize that awareness is the most important concept of staying safe. By learning this, you become less of a target, more confident, and much safer. 

Here, we will go over actual techniqaues of how to effectively fight back if needed. These simple, yet effective moves can help you protect yourself if you ever need to. 

Your age, physical abilites, weight, and height does not mean you are helpless. This course will instill courage and confidence in each woman. 

"Robyn's course changed my life. This was the most beneficial and life changing course and I believe every woman needs it. It is CRUCIAL.”


but why me?

Many women have experienced or witnessed instances of harassment, assault, or violence. Taking this course can help address feelings of fear and anxiety. and provide techniques and strategies to better handle such situations.

Learning self defense can enable you to protect your loved ones. You will be the role model and spread awareness about personal safety.

Knowing self defense can give you the confidence and skills neessary to protect you in dangerous or threatening situations.

Taking this course can empower you by helping you develop physical and mental strength. It will boost self esteem, increase self awareness, and promote a sense of empowerment in every day life.

S.A.F.E by Robyn is an online self-protection course that teaches everyday safety skills to everyday women. It will help you hone in on skills you already possess as well as learn new and effective ones. 

Tapping into your personal awareness is crucial in this course. You will graduate this course feeling:




S. A. F. E.

Course breakdown:

Module One

In this module Robyn shares every woman's worst nightmare. Her personal story of her brutal sexual assault. Plot-twist, the man is rotting in jail.

Robyn uses her 15 years of advocacy work to share the real statistics and why you should be taking this topic seriously.

Teach Me Plz

Module Two

Robyn educates on the 5 levels of awareness. I bet you don't know what those are. These are the first and most important rules of safety.

Teach Me Plz

Module Three

Robyn demonstrates practical fighting techniques that any woman of any shape and size can use to defend themselves.

Teach Me Plz

Module Four

Robyn gets into the nitty gritty of all things safety related. She dives into how to educate your children, how to date, how to drive, and how to be safe online + so much more.

Teach Me Plz

How does this sound?



Over 6.5 hrs of instructional video. I have designed the course to work with your schedule and convenience level.


Private community support. You will get an exclusive invite to join our private facebook group.


Get your questions answered by Robyn.


Leave feeling confident, empowered and safe. I'm confident this course can do that.


Learning while laughing. I have a unique way of educating about heavy topics, while still making you smile.



no. 01

Enroll in the course

Once you have checked out, you will automatically recieve your course login details.

no. 02

Login to the course

With those unique credentials, log in and get started. Binge watch the class #gilmoregirlsstyle or go as slow as you'd like. 

no. 03

Re-watch if needed

As a member, you will have lifetime access to the course package you purchased. Come back and watch as little or as often as you'd like.

from Amber P:

“ Robyns course is truly helping people by bringing light and empowerment to a scary and anxiety filled subject”.

from katie

"This course gave me the courage to finally quit my job, and start my biz!"

Next Review

Self defense is one of those things you hope you don't need...

Until you do.

success stories

Jenny Wright

"I love how Robyn makes this so personal and helps you recognize how each step and skill can be applied to your individual life and situation.

be bold!

Bethany Jones

"Robyn taught me how to empower myself and speak up. "

She taught me how to never let logic overrule my intuition. How to protect my children, how to yell the correct way, how to fight back, how to be safe when running alone. I believe every woman needs this course.

Kiley Blackwell

"Robyn has been a huge source of healing..."

I have caried the burden of my attack for a long time. The knowledge Robyn has shared not only has empowered me, but given me a source to educate my daughters, friends and family. They are learning, as I am, that you can fight back.

"Robyn's own experience with her assault makes her such a good resource for self defense and safety."

-Melissa Secor

Some of my past students describe my course as...

Life changing

you're in the right place.

You are a woman age 11-99

You want to equip yourself with tools to prevent bad situations and defend yourself if needed.

If you want to keep your children safe and protected. Knowledge is POWER.

If you want to learn how to avoid and recognize threats.

You want tips to combat anxiety and not be scared when you are alone, traveling, or with your children.

If you are alone frequently and want to feel safe, confident, and prepared.

Enroll Now →

kind words

“Robyn's tips on teaching kids about safety have been incredible”.

All her tips will help my children if anything were to happen. They have also been great for me too. I know planning ahead for what to do in certain situations, could save my life.

- aimee b

kind words

“I didn't think it would be worth it. It was. I didn't think it would work for me. It did. I didn't think I'd be *that* success story. I am. ”

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Because women have come back and told me something they learned from this course, literally saved their life. I want this information to be accessible to women anywhere.


I can teach because I've been there

At 18 years old, I was sexually assaulted and brutally beaten while running in broad daylight.

And nowI know how to help!

I literally fought for my life. The odds of me surviving that afternoon were slim. Being repeatedly hit, thrown, punched. Then sexually assaulted, choked, and a knife held into my throat. I swore to God that day that I would do everything I could to protect women if he spared me.

After years of traveling around the country to share my message and teach…. I felt frustrated that there was only one of me, and millions of you. How could I save and reach every woman?

My online SAFE course.... That's how. 

My S.A.F.E. Course is the only one of its kind because...

It truLY saves lives.

It leaves women feeling empowered. 

It takes a scary topic and makes it digestible.

It's easy to watch and can be applied quickly.

watch at your own pace

become empowered to teach your family

Join our community for support and friendships

Re-watch as little or as much as you want

join over 2000+ women who have empowered themselves through this course

In addition to the course members, hundreds of thousands of women have taken her tips and advice to heart via her social media platform as well as her in person speaking engagements.

If you want this to be the year that you finally commit to:

Learning life-saving skills while in your pajamas.

Putting distractions away and becoming aware.

Using your voice. You have every right to tell someone they are crossing the line.

Tapping into your own intuition, to understand something immediately without the need for conscious reasoning.

To carry yourself so you can ward off an attacker and make you less of a target.

To be up-to-date on how to truly keep yourself and family safe.


This      for you if:


you are a woman

ARE A young adult going off to college

YOU ARE A child 11+

It's probably        for you if...


You don't like feeling empowered

You like fear to control your life

You outsource your personal safety to others

Let's get prepared, not scared.



How do I access my course?

First things first, check your inbox or junk mail. Your unique course login credentials will be sent to you automatically, after check out. Most the time, it finds its way to your inbox. If you don't see it immediately, check your junk mail. Use the credentials provided to login.

Can I share this with someone else?

I always encourage you to spread safety awareness. The empowerment and education you learn here, should be passed on to those you love by sharing your personal experience. However, you are not permitted to share your login credentials  or these course videos with anyone else. 

What topics to you discuss in your course?

And then, you guessed it... everything from running alone, to hiring a babysitter safely. Other topics include, dating safety, car safety, pepper spray 101, internet safety, back to school safety, travel safety, sending your daughters to college, rideshare safety, taking your kids into the community, why you shouldn't teach stranger anger, how to fight back if needed...and so much more.


Investment that could save your life.


Number of hours it takes to finish.


Number of women reached.

Unique videos on all things safety


follow @aflyonmywall

Welcome to my space. Where I share all things safety, mossing (mom bossing), business, funny shiz from the internet, healing through sexual assault and divorce, and way to many adorable pictures of my babies. This is the perfect place for you. You're guaranteed to learn and laugh alongside me.

come be besties →

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